Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 7: The craving is back, full force. I associate Sunday School, which always leaves me very thirsty, with a nice sugary drink because teachers are served right along with the kids the snack. I was feeling PARCHED and particularly provoked to partake of the pop. And my sister described a similar item from Colombia...chalk cake with a delightful waxy chocolate covering. Only these also have a gratifying gelatinous jelly filling. But I withstood. Got home and made low-sugar gluten-free brownies for us and the sugar full/flour full version for David to take to a meeting. I then also had to withstand all the temptations that go along with brownies...not a little luscious lick of the pot? Not a criminy crumb to see if they were as good as the kids said they were? Not a morsel of a crumb left on a napkin? Just a particle from the edge of the pan? NO. Withstood. But it's only 4:15 :-). Thanking the Lord for every minute of victory, I am WEAK but He is strong.

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