Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I CONFESS...on Monday I ate 6 chocolate covered almonds! There is a story behind it, of course, but I'll save you the details. I just hope I don't throw anyone else off, because I'm back onboard and doing well. Monday night, the kids let me play the bubble game on the Wii. Has anyone played it? I love it, but I haven't played it since we first got the Wii, which I think was 3 years ago. Anyways, it first does a body check, and I've lost 10 pounds since 3 years ago. That motivated me to get back on track with sugar, and add a diet to it. The only way I know to lose weight is to track every morsel that goes in my mouth, which I started yesterday. Sparkpeople is recommending 1400 calories, very doable...if I have things on hand like papaya, bananas and squash which fill me up without too many calories.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Maybe more information than you wanted to know, and sort of a strange thing...but all of a sudden I realized yesterday that my hemorrhoids have not bothered me for weeks. I am also sleeping better with less hot flashes. Imagine what could happen if I also took my vitamins and exercised?

I was sort of disappointed as while to me my stomach looks not so round, when I measured my waist, and compared it to like 6 years ago, it is an inch bigger. Maybe I really tightened it a lot the last time? Those are the things that can really discourage me, because I want the pounds and inches to fall off as I get this area of life under control by God's grace. But whether they fall off or peel off ounce by ounce, or whether I stay the same, I know I'm being obedient to what God wants me to do with getting rid of the sugar. I KNOW I need to add exercise, vitamins and track calories. And maybe it is time to add one of those! But all three overwhelm me right now.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 26-ish: Yesterday, I pre-meditatedly ate a mini Hersheys (with toffee) that my sister Dawn sent down. I had been eying it in my closet for over a week. It was in celebration of finishing my 2 weeks no sugar, plus an extra 11 days without sugar that I did with my sister Beth. I have to tell you, while it was yummy, I was happy to note it wasn't as yummy as I remember chocolate being, and I'm back on my NO sugar diet. I don't want to stop. I feel better, I have more energy, and I think the weight is coming off, although slower than I would like. I still suffer cravings, but they come and go pretty quickly and have not been overwhelming. I attribute all to the power of God, who gives strength to the weak (of which I am the weakest). My will power in the past has been zero-zilch. So why the change? I don't know exactly. God can transform our minds, and He took the desire for sugar away as He helped me purpose not to eat it.